Dog is a young Trinidad Chevron tarantula (Psalmopoeus cambridgei). Unsexed so far. I picked them up from an expo on May 18, 2024.
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on the wall
Spread out (flash off)
Spread out (flash on)
Dog's camouflage (part 1)
Dog's camouflage (part 2)
bein fluffy
Dog and their molt
Dog and their molt (blue is new dog, yellow is dog's molt)
peekin around the corner...
some legs...
I don't know why they look so orange...
lookin a bit skinny, I'll feed them soon
a Brand New Dog!!!!!
slightly different lighting
what a pretty dog!!!
a very orange dog!
dog butt
Puppy dog eyes!!!
The other side of dog
On their acrylic
In the corner
On their acrylic (part 2)
On their wood (flash on)
On their wood (flash off) (a little blurry sorry)
just chilling!
Colorful foot pads!
a nice close-up :)
peekin out
peekin out, but with flash!
enjoying a nice meal
I could not get a good shot at this angle, this is the best you're getting
Dog's molting process, 40x timelapse
a freshly molted dog!
so goofy
in motion
with flash
without flash
hiding their face
still hiding their face
iridescent foot pads!
the DOG...
magnificent creature
my goodness.
i wonder if dog knows what a cantaloupe is
FOOT (the sequel)